Where Outstanding Projects Become Reality
Project Description
AKM assessed the condition and capacity of 7 stormwater pump stations (SD-05, SD-09, SD-10, SD-11, SD-13, SD-17 and SD-21), prepared improvement recommendations, and developed contract documents. Its included:
- Determine critical deficiencies which effect the facilities’ immediate readiness and reliability to provide flood protection
- Evaluate each pump station’s overall condition, capacity, and design,
- Provide analysis and recommendations for upgrading these facilities to comply with current codes, criteria, and reliability standards for stormwater pumping facilities.
- Prepare contract documents
AKM staff visited each pump station site, assessed the condition of all facilities including pump station’s structure, forebay and influent storm drains, wet well, access, pump and motors/engines, discharge piping, ventilation, electric service, SCADA, and security; formulation of improvements and their estimated implementation costs with priorities, and preparation of contract documents. The total anticipated costs for all the pump station improvements is $2.5 million.